
Jadwal Ibadah Raya (IR) Minggu KelIR House IR 1 – Pk. 06.30 Wita + SM IR 2 – Pk. 08.30 Wita + SM IR 3 – Pk. 18.30 Wita KelIR Lembuswana Lt. 3 IR 1 – Pk. 06.00 wita + SM Lt. 2 IR 2 – Pk. 08.00 Wita + SM Lt. 2 IR 3…

Sehubungan dengan surat edaran dari Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 Kota Samarinda, Nomor : 360/003/300.07 Tentang Fase Reklamasi Tahap Pertama Pengendalian Covid19 di Kota Samarinda. Mengenai tempat peribadatan dapat dibuka kembali dengan tetap melakukan standart dan protokol kesehatan, menjaga jarak minimal 1 meter antar sesama dan WAJIB memakai masker di setiap kegiatan. Yang berlaku mulai…

GBI KelIR Samarinda mengajak seluruh jemaat untuk bersama-sama membantu dalam situasi pandemi Covid-19. Bantuan bisa diberikan dalam bentuk : Beras, Gula, Minyak atau kebutuhan Pokok lainnya, bantua dapat dikumpulkan di KelIR House – Jl. Gerilya Solong Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Call Center GBI KelIR Samarinda. 0821 1704 1305 0821 1704 1306 0821 1704…
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First thing�s first, let�s obtain a quick overview of the support, exactly what the expenses are, and how it really works. First thing to understand, is that you don�t have to deploy anything on iPad, your iPhone or iPod. MSpy without new Jailbreak works with iCloud and as a result of this simply has use of information that can be backed-up towards the account that is iCloud. To create this work you just have to start the �icloud storage� and �backup� options about the device then either sync these devices up-to your Apple identity account, or learn the account info for your current account. If the backup function has already been turned on then really all you have to to accomplish is have usage of the bill information. But you�re not essential to install any applications about the system itself. That is why you are not essential to jailbreak it first.You access all the records and rescued info through cellular device or any computer employing mSpy�s online control panel system. You’re able to deploy the application on smartphone, any pc or supplement and access the tracking data from anywhere so long as you�re online. Cost and deals can be found in many different selections ranging from $48 for the lowest level essential support all the way around $237 for a full year of advanced tracking. When you want, rendering it the most economical alternative available on the market for parents that truly works well, additionally you get to make use of the software on as numerous products.